Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The heart of God, and our place in it

What does He feel?  Well, presumably, everything.
How deeply?  How intensely?  Well, it’s unimaginable, isn’t it?

If Love is the motivation for a construct this vast and complex, how strong is the loneliness which evokes such longing desire for a Bride—a child-friend-brother-companion to just be with and enjoy forever?

Maybe a few million such creatures would keep such a mind occupied, such a heart full.  I hope we will.

What joy to know Him finally satisfied, the whole immense, complicated thing accomplished, the King victorious and the Kingdom prospering eternally!
Please let me be part of that.

I want my feelings to be righteous.  Change of heart: to not feel the same way--to allow His Word to change my emotional responses and reactions.  Create in me a clean heart.

He persists, loving each of us with the depth and intensity of a first born, only child and actually gave to this mob of disappointing brats the crown of blessing, His First Born, only begotten, DNA-related Son.

He so loved the world, and so trusted His plan, He came as a baby.  Perfect love casts out fear.
We mortals completely lived up to His expectations.  Prophecy was fulfilled 131 times before we finished torturing and killing Him.

“Oh, He didn’t really die,--” some moron said.  They were the police.  They checked--quick stab to the heart with a spear, just to be sure.

By obedience—living the perfect battle of obedience—He became the only animal in the herd capable of carrying all the sins of believers according to the sacrificial system of law He gave them.  He had created a costly plan of repentance and sacrifice and mercy, drilled in for literal millennia, all part of His plan to get us back to Heaven with a soul capable of appreciating the worth of it all.

We are told God is love.  Why?  What’s in it for Him?  Us.  (I know I am.)
There’s a huge Family of brothers and sons, sisters and daughters, forever and ever and ever and victory over evil, doubt, and disobedience also forever--a definite biggie for the universe.

Wait.  Only daughters and sisters?  No wives or mothers?  The latter are strictly earthly relationships, in my opinion.  Since no wrong thing can enter God’s Kingdom; therefore, no husbands.  No husbands, no wives or mothers either.  It’s that simple, as am I.  (I am currently involved in research to discover scriptures which support this view.  Stay tuned.)

Weekly treat:
So controversial to some that he often begins with a promise of "something to offend everyone," Chuck Missler is one of our favorite expository teachers. Here's a tidbit of his we can all agree on: